Thursday, November 20, 2008

Initial Post!

Hello and welcome to The Individualizer! This is my first post on my first blog and I'm hoping that, in time, I will be able to expand it as I learn more about the blogosphere and it's intricacies.

That said, a little about myself.

I'm a libertarian thirty-something from the Pittsburgh area living with a loving girlfriend and dog. I've recently graduated from business school and have yet to gain employment in my chosen field, thus the time spent online. About that.

I spend most of my time online trying to make sense of the politics of our time. I've already described myself as a libertarian, but am more accurately a fiscal conservative with some common sense social conservative views. I believe in a completely non-secular government, and this leads me away from the Republican party. I know I'm not alone.

There is so much going on right now that I'm just going to make a list of things that I'm concerned about and/or my positions regarding them. If you happen to stumble here, WELCOME!
Please feel free to express your feelings in a respectful way.

1. Barack Obama is a Saul Alinsky Marxist
2.Automakers should not be bailed out without something penalizing the UAW either directly or indirectly
3.Immigration enforcement is an issue that must be addressed NOW. Janet Napolitano is a step in the wrong direction
4.There can be no legislation based on the theory of anthropogenic global warming
5.We must, before anything, rehash whatever happened that led to the Republican candidate for POTUS being John McCain and learn what not to do
6.Individual rights in this country have not been in this much jeopardy since Woodrow Wilson
7.Nationalized health care will fail with catastrophic consequences both global and domestic, especially if crafted with the help of Tom Daschle
8.If the Republican party is to be viable in 2012, we need to start working NOW
9.Our web presence may be the only thing that we have left soon
10. The United States of America is the greatest country in the world, and it does NOT need chanbed. It just needs taken care of by those who recognize its genius

Well, that's all for me today.
I was worried about an initial post, because I'm not really good at these formality things. It's my hope that some get to know me as I express my views MUCH more intensely in future blog posts.


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